
Donate through Bank

Direct Credit to Bank Account: 

Commonwealth Bank  

BSB: 062 187   

Account: 1006 2777  

Name: MSC Mission Office 

Reference: Your Donor#+Type of Donation+Name (e.g. CON12345G John Smith)

International SWIFT Code: CTBAAU2S 

Note: Paypal and Square credit card payments charge a fee. A direct bank transfer or cheque donation means we receive your full donation :-) 

Donate by Phone

Phone the Mission Office on 02  9697 0983

Donate by Mail

MSC Mission Office, PO BOX 3050 EASTLAKES 2018

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General Donation

Click on the Heart to make a 'general' donation of any amount

Donations: No Tax Deduction

Other donations are not tax-deductible, but they are equally important and appreciated, as they enable us to support the spiritual, pastoral, and educational needs of our MSC missionaries and the people they serve.

Works of the Mission Office

Priests in Missions

Formation of Priests, Brothers and Laity

Masses for Loved Ones

Mass Kits

General donations: Cover the administrative functions of our offices, such as communication, finance, safeguarding, and governance. These functions are essential for the smooth and accountable operation of our mission and ministry.

Missionaries: Payments to priests and brothers in The Missions who depend on our assistance for their living expenses, medical care, and retirement needs. These MSC missionaries dedicate their lives to serving the poorest and most marginalized communities in countries like Papua New Guinea, India, Vietnam, and Kiribati.

Seminarians: Formation of seminarians and priests and brothers who are preparing for their missionary vocation. This includes providing them with academic, spiritual, human, and pastoral formation, as well as supporting their travel, accommodation, and other costs.

Masses: Mass stipends to have masses offered for loved ones, either living or deceased. These stipends are a way of expressing your faith and solidarity with our MSC missionaries and the people they pray for. They also help to sustain our priests and brothers in their ministry of celebrating the Eucharist.

Donations: Tax Deductable

Some of our projects are eligible for tax-deduction, which means that you can claim a deduction for the amount of your donation when you lodge your tax return. These projects are focused on providing clean water, supporting disadvantaged youth, combating HIV-AIDS and improving health, protecting the environment, and responding to the needs of Australian people.

Clean Water

Disadvantaged Youth

HIV-AIDS and Health


Australian Domestic

Clean Water

Access to clean water is essential for human health, hygiene, and dignity. Many of the communities we work with lack this basic necessity and suffer from waterborne diseases, dehydration, and malnutrition. Your donation to our clean water projects will help us to drill wells, install pumps, build tanks, and provide filters and pipes to ensure that people have safe and reliable water sources. Some of the countries where we are working on clean water projects are Papua New Guinea, India, and Indonesia.

Disadvantaged Youth

Young people are the future of our world, but many of them face challenges and barriers that prevent them from reaching their full potential. Poverty, violence, abuse, discrimination, and lack of education are some of the issues that affect the lives of millions of young people around the globe. Your donation to our disadvantaged youth projects will help us to provide them with opportunities for learning, skills development, leadership, and empowerment. We also support programs that foster their spiritual, emotional, and social well-being and help them to discover their gifts and talents. Some of the countries where we are working on disadvantaged youth projects are Philippines, Fiji, and India.

HIV-AIDS and Health

HIV-AIDS is a global pandemic that has claimed the lives of millions of people and left many more orphaned, stigmatised, and vulnerable. It is also a disease that is preventable and treatable, but many of the communities we work with lack the resources, knowledge, and access to health care that they need to protect themselves and their loved ones. Your donation to our HIV-AIDS and health projects will help us to provide testing, counselling, treatment, and care for people living with HIV-AIDS, as well as education and awareness programs to prevent the spread of the virus. We also support other health initiatives that address issues such as malaria, tuberculosis, maternal and child health, and nutrition. Some of the countries where we are working on HIV-AIDS and health projects are South Africa, Philippines, and Papua New Guinea.


The environment is God's creation and our common home, but it is also under threat from human activities that cause pollution, deforestation, climate change, and biodiversity loss. These environmental problems have a disproportionate impact on the poor and vulnerable, who depend on the natural resources for their survival and livelihoods. Your donation to our environment projects will help us to promote ecological awareness, education, and action among our MSC missionaries and the communities they serve. We also support projects that protect and restore the natural environment, such as reforestation, sustainable farming practices, and renewable energy. Some of the countries where we are working on environment projects are Philippines and the Pacific.

Australia Needs

Australia is a land of beauty, diversity, and opportunity, but sometimes people are doing it tough. Many of our fellow Australians face hardships and challenges that affect their dignity, rights, and well-being. Your donation to our Australia needs projects will help us to support the needs of other Australians when they most need it. Some of our projects in recent years have been helping following bushfires in Canberra-Goulburn and South Cost NSW, assistance after floods in Lismore and Northern NSW, assistance to Afghans arriving during Covid, and assistance to other individuals and groups in MSC Parishes.